This supplement to the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) provides standards mandatory for use in the Marine Corps for service areas that do not appear in the JTA.
This sections contains the mandatory standards and standard products for use within the Marine Corps. Where products are specified, their inclusion is the result of one or more competitive procurements scoped to include the entire Marine Corps.
This section adopts the DoD minimum desktop configuration for computers for the Marine Corps and adds certain requirements to support Marine Corps systems and infrastructure. Many new systems being planned for implementation within DoD, such as the Defense Message System (DMS), will provide only part of a whole system. The following minimum configurations satisfies those minimum capabilities which must exist on users' desktops if the users are to effectively meet their DoD missions on the existing and planned USMC infrastructure. The requirements of this section apply to all acquisitions of desktop computers.
The minimum desktop configuration for desktop automation terminals is designed to support user requirements such as connectivity to and operation within the Defense Information Infrastructure (DII), Global Command and Control System (GCCS), and DMS while also supporting local office automation applications. Table USMC-1 shows the desktop configuration for each of these systems and is provided as background. Support for new technology such as multimedia and various interface media such as Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) slots used to support security in the DMS are included. Table USMC-2 shows the minimum desktop and server configurations for U.S. Marine Corps acquisitions and is mandated for acquisitions.
CG, MCCDC will publish a message each September which will specify the minimum Desktop Computer Configuration which may be purchased for the following Fiscal Year. This guidance will be based on requirements to support current missions as well as assumptions concerning future requirements. In compliance with Executive Order 12845, the above minimum desktop configuration must meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star requirements.
Table USMC-1 - DoD Desktop System Configurations
DOD DESKTOP SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS DMS GCCS DII > 33 MHz clock speed > 66 MHz clock speed > 66 MHz clock speed > 32-bit data path > 32-bit data path > 32-bit data path > 8K of internal > 8K of internal cache > 8K of internal cache < 5 volts cache < 5 volts > 36 integer SPECmark < 5 volts > 36 integer SPECmark > 16 floating point > 36 integer SPECmark > 16 floating point SPECmark > 16 floating point SPECmark SPECmark 16M RAM expandable to 16M RAM expandable to 16M RAM expandable to 32M 32M 32M At least 500 MB hard At least 1 GB hard At least 1 GB hard drive drive drive The computer must The computer must The computer must support user specific support user specific support user specific requirements for LAN requirements for LAN requirements for LAN connectivity. connectivity. connectivity. 2-PCMCIA type II 2-PCMCIA slots 2-PCMCIA slots slots SVGA (1024x768 SVGA controller with SVGA controller with resolution) 1MB RAM 1MB RAM - CD-ROMCD-ROM Reader CD-ROM Reader - 3.5" floppy drive 3.5" floppy drive - 2-parallel and 2-parallel and 2-serial ports 2-serial ports - 3-button mouse 3-button mouse - 17" color monitor 17" color monitor
Table USMC-2 - Minimum USMC Desktop and Server System Requirements
Personal Computer Server Configuration Minimum Configuration IBM Compatible Certified for intended Network Operating System > 66MHz Processor Clock Speed > 100 MHz Processor Clock Speed 8 kbytes of Internal Cache - Support DX2 Intel Implementation or Better 32-bit Data Path 100% Compatible EISA/PCI Bus - Four EISA/PCI 32-bit Expansion Board Slots Two EISA/PCI 64-bit Expansion Board Slots One EISA/PCI Shared 64-bit Expansion Board Slots 5 Volt EPA Energy Star Compliant 36 Integer SPECMark 16 Floating Point SPECMark 16 Megabytes RAM, Expandable to 32 64 Megabytes of RAM, 70 nS Speed, Megabytes Extended RAM Memory with the Capability to Increase Total Memory to 128 Megabytes 1 Gigabyte or 2 - 500 Megabyte Two 1 Gigabyte Hard Drives Hard Drive 2 PCMCIA Type II Slots or 1 Type III - One EISA/PCI Fast SCSI II Controller Card or Better SVGA Controller with 1 Megabyte RAM, 1024x768 Pixels, 256 Colors LAN Connectivity - Real-time Clock with Battery Backup 3.5-inch Floppy Drive 3.5-inch Floppy Drive 2 Parallel and 2 Serial Ports Pointing Device with a Minimum of 2 Buttons - 1 2/4 Gigabyte 4mm Digital Audio Tape Unit - EISA/CMOS Configurable to 512k - Base RAM to Support 5 ICA Cards 14 inch Color Monitor
Table USMC-3 is a list of the required standard software products by applications category. For individuals performing tasks in one of these application areas, these software packages are those authorized for purchase and use on USMC Personal Computer-Class Systems.
Table USMC-3 - Required Software Products
Software Category Selected Product Standard Issue Programming Language Ada (Developmental) Specialty Items Asynchronous Communications TBD Audit Software TBD Client/Server OS TBD Decision Support TBD Desktop Publishing TBD Disk Management TBD Document Management TBD Internet Web Browser TBD Internet Image Editor TBD Message Release TBD Network Management Local Management TBD Regional Management TBD Project Management TBD SQL Database Oracle Voice Recognition TBD
In addition to the TELNET requirements found in Section, Remote Terminal, the following standards are mandated:
This supplement does not specify any standards in this area.
This supplement does not specify any standards in this area.
This supplement does not specify any standards in this area.
This supplement does not specify any standards in this area.
[End JTA]